I have a 2008 Deering Sierra I bought new with about 3,000 hours of playing time and I thought sounded great. Like most people I try out different banjos when I visit music stores. Sometimes even a cheaper or a moderately priced one sounds special to me.
I tried a Deering Deluxe today (only difference I can see is inlay in the neck) that just amazed me. Both are mahogany neck and resonator, maple 3 ply rim and 20 hole tone ring. It sounded a lot better to me and seemed to play easier. I call it playability. I don't think I could ever have a banjo custom made unless I could play it before purchasing it.
Maybe there is a difference in the quality of the wood between two similar banjos can make that much difference. I just can't believe it is all in setup or I could get the Sierra to sound like this Deluxe?? I know I went to a craft show where there was a display of about 200 identical turkey calls made in the same shape and wood and some sounded much better than others??