I've been adjusting my bridge and wondering if i'm going the proper way about. Chords around the 7th were way off and especially notcable when thumbing the 5 string.
With my tuner and ear I set out adjusting. I'd finger the notes on the 5 fret and adjust the bridge accordingly check them at the 7th fret. The bridge is on a good angle now, seems drastic, i added a picture.
Anyhow, shes very good up to the 5th fret, not so bad around te 7th(little sharp and flat with some notes) . BUT any higher especially at the 12th fret, way sharp Can't seem to find a reasonable balance. Twelth fret harmonics seem right on though.
Is this normal... the bridge doesn't dent into the head, i have it setup with the tailpiece high, nylon strings.
What other things could cause this? Perhaps my neck, she doesn't seem to look off maybe a very slight bow...hard to tell.
thanks for reading