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Monday, and a new week....looks fine from here


Last night I stood on the front porch while the dogs 'got the wiggles out' and played in the snow. Wrapped a shawl around me, and watched the snow come down real heavy. I was just in my own world, and lost in 'mind space' I guess. It was so peaceful. I stood there for a long time. Not sure how long...just time didn't matter. Came to my mind standing out there watching the snow what the old timers told me. "The Devil is Gone when it snows." Know what? I accepted that. Nothing but the falling snow and a clean white world. Total Peace. 

    This morning was interesting. My first thinking was about the folks on the Hangout. Right. I woke up knowing how some of the people on here are so important to me. I was thinking how grateful that I am to get to know some of you. Thank you.

   Coffee is excellent. Love good coffee. 

 Neat world here with the fresh snow today. Like a kid, I want to pull on my boots and coat and make tracks. The evergreens are all full of white, and even the garbage can is wearing a white hat...I saw that as I let the dogs out. Interest. Never thought the garbage can as being 'pretty'...it was this morning. 

    That battery charger is Still on the truck. Today. I will run that truck some. 4 wheel drive..no problem. Darned old firetruck will go thru anything. I know that as fact. Once backed up out on a mountain road to turn around, and dropped that bright yellow truck right into one Bigggg ditch. Snow past the doors, and I paniced for few minutes. No way can I get out of this mess. I buried that truck! Oops. I gathered up my wits..here I am in the middle of nowhere...no traffic out there...way out from help. Nobody!! Only quiet and stuck bad in a deep hole. I stopped and prayed. Just asked for help. I easy put it in low, and then a small wonder..that truck left that hole like it was on dry pavement. It never mined being totally stuck. (companion in truck was absolutely scared, and turned white). That wonderful "Taz" the Old Firetruck! It never knew it was stuck. Go anywhere...do anything truck. Terrain don't matter...it does it. I learned that day to count on it. Yes. I respect the things this special truck can do. 

   I am far too small to drive that truck. I have a 2x4 piece duck taped to the clutch. Can't reach the thing. I sit on pillows. Can't get in the truck, so have to shimmy up into it by grabbing the bottom of the steering wheel. It is NOT for women, this Taz truck. It puts up with me. Took me 3 weeks to learn to even drive that truck. It scared the Hello out of me more than once. Gets squirrley when it hear sirins....and will hand you your hat if you touch the gas peddle. It goes like a bat outta hell. Never ever sneeze with foot on gas. You'll be sorry......

   Sid, remember my friend that had the stroke and cancer surgery? He sold me that truck for almost nothing. He wanted me to have it. It was in his fleet. He said that he was leaving, but that truck would look after me when I need it most. Odd. I bought it over the phone to him and never had even seen that truck. Next morning at the bank with Sid and my bank manager, money changed hands, and the Firetruck was mine. That easy. 

   I need more coffee.




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