Since the holiday season always brings out the best (and worst) in us, and is an especially compelling time to post your "thoughts" and ruminations of what is wrong in the world (and the Hangout), I thought it might be fun to have a thread where folks could post their personal tomes and rants--indicting humanity, the mods perhaps--and invoking just what is chapping them. Get it off their chest, as it were. You kow...cathart, kvetch. Like, a dry run for when YOU leave the Hangout. Why wait til the Christmas rush? Tell your friends now, were you to not be here someday, just why that might be. (If you need help deciding, some choices are listed below)
For example: I'm leaving the Hangout in a huff (if I were actually leaving the Hangout in a huff) because...
A.. Too many liberals/not enough conservatives who know what this country (USA) is truly about
B. Too many conservatives
C. Not enough free beer
D. there's enough free beer, but sucky beer
E. Not enough eugenics (generally)
F. Not enough discussion of cabbiits
G. Rapture
H. other
I. Mods unfair
J. Life unfair
K. Site owner not having beard
L. other
(select one)