It has been estimated there are 2000 paper and cardboard containers of unclaimed cremated remains of American Veterans in every state in the U.S.A. Some of these cremains have been setting inclaimed since WWI.
The Patriot Guard Riders has a recovery program in New York which seeks to recover these remains and get the veteran a military funeral in a National Cemetery.
The woodworking club to which I belong, The Northeastern Woodworkers Association is making Wooden Urns for the ashes recovered in this program.
Like some banjo rims, the urns are made of staved construction (just a little taller). There are twelve staves cut at an angle of 15 degrees and 7.5 inches long. A fixed top and a removable bottom, completes the URN.
So far we have made about 75 URNS for this program.
I attended a ceremony on June 8th at the Saratoga , NY national Cemetery in which 8 US veterans were interred using URNS made by NWA by this method.
A tall banjo of sorts. Four members of this club and banjo hangout members recently made four banjos which were detailed in this forum. They were involved in the making of these URNS as well.