Hi guys,
I have repairs to make to two banjos. I'm a pretty handy guy with a fair amount of woodworking experience, but it's not instrument-specific, so I'd like to ask what you'd do.
The 1st banjo is a Vega Professional with the individual (one per hook) flanges. (Here's a photo of a similar one.) At some point(s) the resonator was re-mounted carelessly, causing the flange ends to dig pieces out of the resonator lip they rest on. (Beats me how someone could even do such a thing without actually trying.) I don't want to fill the areas with wood putty because they'll come back into contact with the flanges. What could I use that's hard enough, shapeable and paintable? Some kind of epoxy patch?
The 2nd banjo had the misfortune of having a 5/8" hole drilled straight through the side of its rim (apparently for some kind of audio connection). How would you fill a hole of that size so it could be painted, and would be durable enough to withstand normal use (including the rim's vibration)?
Thanks a lot for your help. Cheers, Andy