I was with a friend last night, picking around some tunes. They were playing a Chief, I was playing my 27 Gibson 3 with a Huber HR-30 in it. Their banjo sound really good when they played it, and they said my did too as I played it. We switched instruments, and immediately they said, "wow, my banjo sounds too tinty with you playing it. My banjo sounded more bassy with them playing it. Several others there noted quite a difference in the two banjos with a different person playing each. I guess it goes back to what each can get out of their own banjo. I did notice the b string was extremely loud on the Chief, more than my banjo, but I guess it was me picking that string as hard as I do on my banjo, and it ( the Chief) does not respond as I am used to.
I think when you get used to a certain banjo, the feel, the ease of playing, plus the tone you like, you better keep it.