So I am working on learning a song called Will Jesus find us Watching by Fanny Crosby. Its an old hymn and I heard this bluegrass group do it up tempo and it sounded really cool. So I started working on this and have just about everything figured out that pleases my ear, with the exception of the A note ending at the end of some of the phrases. And then I realized this is a common problem I have when I am working on tunes that end a phrase on an A note that just lingers. So for instance in this song the first verse is this:
When Jesus comes to reward His servants,
Whether it be noon or night,
Faithful to Him will He find us watching,
With our lamps all trimmed and bright?
So when you get to night, you are hitting the final melody A note - 2nd fret 3rd string and that is held out for a full measure before the next line of the verse is sung. So playing 16th notes I end up with something like this:
----2-----------2------------2-----------2----------------2 ----------2
So basically its really boring and even it was just one measure with 1/8th notes its still boring. And sometimes it doesn't go well with the song since this is being played over a D chord and that 5th string doesn't fit in real well on some songs.
So what are some options here to spice things up some when a musical phrase ends on an A note. I've tried the 2nd fret 3rd string and 4th fret 4th string roll as well and that doesn't seem to improve the sound of this song either. I am looking for some options here. If it ended on a G note there are plenty of things I can do there, but this A note thing seems to keep me stumped. I guess I am looking for some type of a tag lick that starts on an A note that won't distort the song too much - I think?
Any help would be appreciated!