Anyone else have arthritis at the base of their thumbs? It's becoming very painful to play the banjo. Going to the doctor next week to discuss having surgery on both thumbs. One doctor suggested I get the base of my thumbs "fused"! This doesnt sound appealing to me and if anyone has had this type of surgery, please let me know what you think about it. Theres also another alternative surgery, which is called something like "basil thumb replacement something or other", which is what I'm going to see this doctor about. Every time I play the banjo, or try to open a jar, or pretty much everything, it feels like needles sticking into the base of my thumbs. God I hate getting old! When I hit 55 (I'm 57) , It all started going south! And the women just love when you tell them you play the banjo, have arthritis, AND wear a CPAP mask at night!